Everts preaches in front of the Canadian Parliament Peace Tower - Ottawa
- August 1, 1978. Gets on national French and English TV News. The speech
is "God wants national unity in Canada." (There was a brauha
regarding separating Montreal from Canada, turning it French.) The next
day Prime Minister Trudeau goes on TV to promote national unity, and soon
after, Queen Elizabeth arrives from England to campaign for it. Kellie
hits the front page in Ottawa and the national Canadian Press covers her.
(In fact, it was an idea given her by a Canadian reporter who photographed
her during the great Wash. D.C. speech. He was soon on his way to Canada
and suggested to Kellie to go there and preach in front of the Parliament.
Kellie took him up on it. As she entered the airport in Canada she heard
the conflict about separatism and knew what it was the appropriate subject
for her sermon.) If Kellie looks like she is tired, she was. She was so
excited and nervous she could not sleep a wink all night. After the speech
she was driven back to Montreal by a reporter (who also drove her there)
and had to do four shows, dancing. It was all she could do to stay awake
for the shows. But this was her nature - no matter how hard a project
was, she had to do it if it was for God and publicity.) |
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